The Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study (BIGCS) is the main department responsible for the Guangzhou Birth Cohort Study (GBCS), a key scientific and technological project in Guangzhou. The project intends to conduct long-term follow-up of 50,000 pregnant women and their children who gave birth in Guangzhou and establish the largest biological sample bank of normal population in China. Using epidemiological research methods, the project will explore the main factors affecting the health of children and women in Guangzhou in the next 20 years, measure the role of social, economic, cultural, biological and environmental factors in affecting this vulnerable group, and test the hypothesis of the etiology of a series of adverse pregnancy outcomes and childhood diseases, in order to propose the improvement of the etiology of children's health. We will use epidemiological methods to explore the main factors affecting children's and women's health in Guangzhou in the next 20 years, and measure the role of social, economic, cultural, biological and environmental factors in this vulnerable group and their mechanisms, so as to verify the hypotheses of the etiology of a series of adverse pregnancy outcomes and childhood diseases, and to provide a scientific basis for proposing interventions to improve the health of children and women, as well as providing a basis for the improvement of healthcare services, and for the formulation of relevant healthcare guidelines and policies.
BIGCS published a paper entitled "The Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study Enables Generational Genetic Discoveries" in the international journal Nature.
Guangzhou Birth Cohort Genome Database (GDBIG)
The Guangzhou Birth Cohort Genome Database (GDBIG) is a Chinese birth cohort biorepository containing genotypic and phenotypic information on parent-child pairs recruited from birth cohorts.
Nature | Jan 2024
The Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study Enables Generational Genetic Discoveries
S. HUANG et al.
JAMA Netw Open | Feb 2023
Evaluation of Maternal Infection During Pregnancy and Childhood Leukemia Among Offspring in Denmark
J. HE et al.
J Infect. | Oct 2022
Age-specific prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus infection among women in rural China, 2016-2018
X. XIA et al.
Nutrition. | AUG 2018
The influence of maternal dietary patterns on gestational weight gain: A large prospective cohort study in China
X. WEI et al.
Sci Total Environ. |JAN 2018
Associations between maternal exposure to incense burning and blood pressure during pregnancy
J. HE et al.
Sci Rep. |NOV 2016
Composition of gut microbiota in infants in China and global comparison
Y. KUANG et al.
Br J Nutr. | APR 2015
Maternal dietary patterns and gestational diabetes mellitus: a large prospective cohort study in China
J. HE et al.
Arch Dis Child. | Dec 2014
A new birthweight reference in Guangzhou, southern China, and its comparison with the global reference
J. HE et al.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet | Sep 2013
Willingness of pregnant women to participate in a birth cohort study in China
X. QIU et al.
Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study, Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, Guangzhou Medical University
Address: No. 9 Jinsui Road, Guangzhou
Zip code: 510623
Tel: 020-8188633
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